Constitution and General Laws, Convention Proceedings and GEB Minutes

ATU Constitution and General Laws (CGL)
The Constitution and General Laws (CGL) of the Amalgamated Transit Union is the document that has governed the activities of our labor organization since its founding in 1892. It has been reviewed and updated at Conventions held over the ensuing 130 years. Click on the link below to download CGL 2022 which was revised and amended by the 60th International Convention held in Las Vegas, NV, in September 2022:
ATU International Convention Proceedings
The ATU International Convention Proceedings are a full written transcript record of the Convention. Click on the link for the 60th International Convention Proceedings.
GEB Meeting Minutes
The ATU General Executive Board holds meetings not less than twice each calendar year, in compliance with the Constitution and General Laws of ATU. Below are minutes of the latest meetings.