Our Work

The Amalgamated Transit Union – the largest labor union representing transit and allied workers in the U.S. and Canada – fights for the interests of its hard-working members and promotes mass transit.
Founded in 1892, the ATU today is comprised of over 200,000 members, including: metropolitan, interstate, and school bus drivers; paratransit, light rail, subway, streetcar, and ferry boat operators; mechanics and other maintenance workers; clerks, baggage handlers, municipal employees, and others. ATU can be found in 44 U.S. states and the District of Columbia, and nine Canadian provinces.
The Union fights for transit workers by helping them organize local unions, negotiating collective bargaining contracts between its members and their employers, representing members in disputes with management, and making sure that employers adhere to the provisions of their collective bargaining agreement.
The Union also represents the interests of its members at all levels of government, in courts, and in legislatures. ATU is a member the AFL-CIO, and the CLC – the national labor organizations of the United States and Canada, respectively.
The Union is governed by an international president, international executive vice president, international secretary treasurer, and 18 international vice presidents who are elected every three years at the ATU’s International Convention. The 18 international vice presidents form the Union’s General Executive Board.
ATU international headquarters is located in Silver Spring, MD. The offices of ATU Canada are located near Toronto, in Rexdale, ON.