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ATU Salutes Reverend Jesse Jackson, Sr. on his Retirement

Silver Spring, MD – Amalgamated Transit Union International President John Costa released the following statement on the retirement of Reverend Jesse Jackson, Sr. from the Rainbow PUSH Coalition.

“From marching with Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., to giving a voice to Black voters by running for president, to the founding of the influential Rainbow PUSH Coalition, Reverend Jesse Jackson, Sr. has been on the frontlines of the civil rights movement in this country and across the world. 

“A friend of the ATU, Rev. Jackson has been a champion of labor unions and a strong advocate for affordable public transit for all.

“Rev. Jackson’s courage and his unflinching leadership on civil and human rights have been a constant source of inspiration to generations in the fight for equal treatment of all people. 

“We thank Rev. Jackson for his unwavering dedication over his long and storied career fighting for economic and social justice, voting rights, opportunity, and democracy for all and remain committed to continuing his work to make a better world.”