ATU Celebrates Black History Month 2025

Brent Payne — Local 1091-Austin, TX
Brother Brent Payne joined Local 1091-Austin, TX, in September 1987 when he was hired as a CapMetro Fixed Route Bus Operator. Wanting to advocate for his fellow members, Brother Payne ran for and was elected to the Local Executive Board in 1996 and held that position until 1998. In 1999, he was elected the Local’s Vice President of Operations and served two terms. Brother Payne was also appointed as a Pension Trustee in 1998 and currently serves as Vice Chair of the Pension Committee. He was then re-elected as Vice President of Operations in 2014. His fellow members recognized his strong leadership skills, electing Brother Payne as President/Business Agent in 2016, and he is currently serving his third term. Under his leadership, the Local has negotiated strong contracts, and he steered the Local through the CapMetro transition from contractor MV Transportation to Keolis. He also has served as President of the ATU Texas Legislative Conference Board since 2023 and President of theATU Multi-Employer Joint Industry Council. Thank you, Brother Payne, for being a strong advocate for our members, our Union, and our riders.

Veronica Cobb — Local 819-Newark, NJ
As a young married mother, working two jobs and pursuing a degree in nursing, Veronica Cobb, in 1994, saw an opportunity to provide a better life for her family by taking a job as a Bus Operator at NJ Transit and becoming a member of Local 819-Newark, NJ. After her job was threatened in 1999, Sister Cobb learned just how powerful and important being a Union member can be when her Local advocated on her behalf and got her job back. She knew this was a sign to get more involved with her Local by becoming a fixture at the Union Hall, asking questions, and never missing a Union meeting. In 2008, Sister Cobb was elected the Orange Garage Union Delegate for two terms and served as the Local’s Safety Chairperson. As a delegate to the 2013 ATU International Convention, she was appointed as a member of the General Executive Board Committee. A trailblazer at her Local, Sister Cobb was elected in 2014 as her Local’s first female African American Vice President and in 2015, she became the Local’s Acting President/Business Agent, the first female African American to serve in that position. In 2018, Sister Cobb was elected as the Local’s President/Business Agent. She is also a Delegate to the Essex West Hudson Labor Council, a Delegate to NJ State AFL-CIO, and a Member of the ATU NJ State Council.We applaud Sister Cobb for her dedicated leadership of our members, our union, and her community.

Marvin Alfred — Local 113-Toronto, ON
Born in Toronto and raised in the diverse working-class communities in Toronto suburbs, Brother Marvin Alfred, learned from his father, a trade unionist, about the importance of fighting for workers’ rights, justice, fair wages, safety, and dignity at work. After joining the Toronto Transit Commission as a Bus Operator in 2001, and becoming a member of Local 113-Toronto, ON, Brother Alfred was soon engaged in helping members address workplace issues and understand their rights. He was elected to serve as Shop Steward from 2010-2015, and as an Executive Board Member from 2016-2021. In 2021, he became the first Black President/Business Agent of Local 113 in its 122-year history and was re-elected in 2024. Brother Alfred has led the revitalization of the Local’s member engagement, advocacy, political activism, and community engagement. Under his leadership, the Local’s executive board negotiating team won an industry-leading contract in 2024, with wage and benefit improvements, including upgrades to benefits for retirees. Local 113 has become the face and voice of transit workers and transit riders in Toronto, campaigning for service, safety and sustainable funding for better transit. He is the President of the Board of Directors, TTC Pension Plan. The ATU is proud to honour and celebrate Brother Alfred for his trailblazing leadership, contributions and dedication to our Local, our Union, and the labour movement.